Wedding, baptism and revelation!
This was quite an exciting weekend, we had the wonderful opportunity to hear from a member of the quorum of the twelve (Ed. note: Elder Bednar) right here with just the missionaries in our mission! He taught us really neat things in a really neat way, it was alot of question and answer kind of stuff, we were allowed to ask questions and he asked us to make alot of comments, and the spirit was really strong. One of the first things he said was that in this meeting, he wasn't the teacher, the spirit was. Also he said, don't write too much to your family, you wont be able to do this kind of meeting justice in writing. And its true. But I'll try just a bit: Relating to his first comment he said when we go out and teach people lessons, we are not the teacher, the holy ghost is. Often the only side of the General Authorities of the church we see is their more serious side in General Conference. But I don't think they reserve much with a group of missionaries. He said, as close as I can remember "If you actually think that your teaching and expounding ability to explain the gospel at 19 years old is what really converts people, you're an idiot. Do you really think the lord would expect someone with your inexperience to change someones heart? That is selfish, and if you think that, the spirit will not be with you." A point I of course have heard, but am still trying to fully learn, understand and apply.
He also talked about agency. What do you think you know about the principle of agency? Before you read on, just think in your head for a second about what you think agency is. Got it? Are you sure that's what it is? Well, you might be close, but you're probably not quite there, I definitely wasn't. We have agency, but we have expended it when we made our covenants at baptism and at the temple and upon receiving the priesthood. But he said we are agents- all human beings are agents. When we just teach a lesson to someone and spit out all the facts and things they need to be doing, we act upon them as objects- which is denying them their agency, which is Satan's plan. When we invite them to act, we invite them to build faith by becoming free agents. He said this is very important in parenting, that no kid ever took a lesson to heart when it was forced into him or her. He said "now all of you are nodding your heads in agreement. When you are parents and you try to do that with your kids, I hope my voice haunts you." then leaned in and whispered "You're a hypocrite!"
In the time for questions, someone asked about the experiences in being in the quorum of the twelve when Thomas S. Monson was called to be the president of the church. He talked about the way the lord prepares his servants, and there is no way it could be done without pure revelation. Secular companies and groups spend untold millions into researching training for CEOs and other leaders, and it is still imperfect and incomplete. But God does it perfectly. He compared it to a political election, that the craziness and debating and time and complexity that goes into it is unbelievable compared to the simplicity and peacefulness and powerful manifestation of being in the room with 14 of the brethren and setting apart the president of the church. He said in that moment, the spirit was so strongly testifying of the fact that he was the living head of the church that it was undeniable knowledge. Beyond just an impression or prompting or feeling. A true knowledge. He also talked about the upcoming election. I will give a direct quote as closely as I can remember: "There is a high likelihood that a member of our church will be a presidential candidate. If that happens, the wrath of hell will come against this church like you have never seen before. So buckle up." The power in that statement was staggering. And its true. It will really put the church in the spotlight, and we will face alot of opposition. But we will also face alot of opportunities to share the gospel. Then he shared a few examples of prophets and disciples contending with anti-christs in the scriptures, and gave us some advice for the oppositions that will come. overall a really cool meeting.
On Saturday evening, we had a wedding, then a baptism! The wedding was very simple, and the baptism went well also. Before the wedding, I was on the piano playing some peaceful prelude music, and then when we started, they said "alright, lets sing families can be together forever". I'm a decent piano player, and I can play a few hymns, and Ive improved here in the field, but that's not one I can do. So it was rough, at best. The baptism was awesome, just everything went smoothly and as planned, and we had a bunch of people there, lots of support. We had a little reception after with some excellent food., and a cake and everything. Where are the pictures of all this, you ask? Forgot my camera. They ll come tomorrow. They are all doing well, Fernando and Briseyda have a little 4 month old girl named Estrella, and they are excited to go to the temple and get sealed in a year! hope I'll be able to be there! JuanCarlos is also doing well, he is only 19, so its really cool that he is making such a great step this early in his life. I really hope he'll decide to serve a mission, that would be awesome!
Well, that's the main excitement for the week, let me know how every ones doing, and ask me questions if you want! oh and send me letters! 1343 Jade ave, Baton Rouge, LA 70810