Sep 3, 2012

DAY 621: AUGUST 13

weekly update!

Well, this was a pretty normal week, nothing big to report on. We had some great lessons and increases in faith from our investigators, and found quite a few new investigators as well. We did a really cool lesson with a member family, about faith. So we all know that faith is like a seed- if you plant and nourish it, it will grow. So we went and bought some potting soil, little pots and some seeds, and helped all the kids plant seeds. And then committed to take care of that seed, and also take care of their seed of faith- by watering it and putting it in the sun, and by reading the scriptures and praying, respectively.  We went by two days later and most of the little pots had been knocked over, so I guess they "cast out the seed with their doubt" hopefully they didnt do that with their faith!


 We found a really cool family to teach this week, and they are from honduras. But they're not your average hispanics- they are of the Garifuna race. I think I've mentioned them before, they are people who are of african descent, but speak spanish too. The short version of the story is this: During slave trades in the 1700s, there was a group three ships traveling together back from africa to america. Well, I wouldnt like being taken out of my home to go work really hard in the heat somewhere for no pay*, and the africans didnt want to either, so the weren't gonna go down easy. So during the voyage they rebelled and killed all the white people. Not knowing how to navigate by the stars, let alone steer a boat, they ended up on the coast of Central america, crash landed, and then established there. So the Garifuna language is a mix between two african dialects with a little bit of french, and now some spanish. There are a few members who speak the same language, so I've learned a little bit of it, but man it is hard! totally a different feel than any Latin based language. lots of b's and g's. Stuff like "Maga tiena" "Badibu" and stuff. So luckily, they understand spanish just fine, and can learn in that, and they teach us little bits of Garifuna. The 13 year old in their family, named Iwor, seriously caught the restoration better than most adults. They were really excited about the Book of Mormon, and we totally have some Garifuna members to be some fellowshippers! Incase you wanted to know, to say "We are missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints" is "Tida guietiwa liguilisi to lani bunguio to janisandu le lagamujou wellu" Don't worry, I'm still working on it too!


   Well, other than that, things have been pretty normal, we've had a great time with everything. Hope to hear back from everyone soon! Ask me some questions and I'll answer them in my next update. Or do the keyword thing, i think that worked for about two emails, but really, it was great idea!

*Wait, isnt that exactly what I'm doing right now? lol


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