Well, It was about the same as any other. Sorry, it doesnt seem that anything really exciting has happened, at least not anything I've decided was eventful enough to write about. We had some cool lessons, had a cool experience with Raul, and ate some really good Pupusas. Raul is one of our investigators who is from Honduras, and he's having some troubles with his family in Honduras. We had a good lesson on the plan of salvation, and talked about faith and that everything is in the hands of the Lord, but we can do our part to make it happen. I do like the city of Baton Rouge, it reminds me of washington, theres alot more trees and the roads are really spread out.
Ok, I though of a story. Its possible I already told it to you, but we were riding down the street and these two guys stopped us and asked if they could tell us about something. He then proceeded with some false history facts about ethiopian people inhabiting Jerusalem at the time of Christ, grossly misinterpreted a few scriptures from the Bible, and then tried to convince us that Jesus was black. Elder Rawlings answered best when he said "well I dont care if he was black, white, green, purple, or orange, hes still our savior and still did what he did." The guy you could tell wanted to have a little more of a dicussion than that, but we had to get to appointment. Then everytime we rode by there and the guy was outside we'd say "Hey whats up?" and he'd put his arms in the air and say "Black Jesus! Thats whats up!". So here, the other day we stopped and talked to two black ladys on their porch, and they asked us what color our church believed Jesus was. They said something about "his hair was like wool- that means it was nappy!" but they didn't have a strong opinion on it like that other guy.
Well, times up, but I hope everything is goig well in China!
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